History and Cultural Diversity
England is a country with a rich history and a traditionally homogeneous culture. However with the expansion of the British Empire and the influx of people from around the world, English culture has been enriched with diverse contributions from Afro- Caribbean, Asian, Muslim, and other immigrant communities.
Daily Life and Social Customs
Daily life and social customs in England have historical and distinct characteristics. Even with cultural diversity, the English strongly cling to their rural past. For example, many city dwellers move to villages and rural cottages after retirement.
Class System and Social Changes
The strict class system of the past is now declining, bringing significant changes to society These changes include reducing differences between urban and rural areas and between the less affluent northern regions and the wealthy south of England.
Festivals and Holidays
Many holidays in England, such as Christmas, are celebrated worldwide. A traditional English Christmas is less of a commercial event and more an opportunity for carol singing and feasting.
Music, Film, and Literature
English music, film, and literature have wide audiences abroad, and the English language, as the preferred international language for cultural and economic exchanges, is rapidly expanding.